The Surf Racer


The Surf Racer starts with a Royal Enfield Continental GT, and strips it down to the essence of a cafe racer - the ultimate super light retro racing experience. At its core is a tuned motor, taking the original 535cc single motor and adding a higher lift cam, machined piston barrels for higher compression and a new inlet manifold. Air gets sucked in through a Dellorto carb conversion, and spent gasses are fired out the under seat “jet” style tail exhaust. A half fairing floating above 17” performance rims, with upside down forks and an under engine rear shock turning the rider into a speeding bullet. Simple yet bold graphics express an stylish and artistic approach to racing heritage, emphasized by premium materials and high level of quality details, a Sinroja hallmark that adds more than just a touch of class. The perfect machine for racing the sunset.

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