After the worldwide success Dirk Oeherlking harvested with his previous Custombike, the White Phantom, some important Professionals like Ole Stenegard, Christian Pingitzer and Roland Stocker tried to fool the talented Customizer that it would be a virtually impossible feat to improve on the Design of the White Phantom.
Well, that's not exactly what a thoroughbred Customizer likes to accept,on the contrary, it inspired him to go and develop the Black Phantom. " I never intended to top the White Phantom, i just wanted to provide the Bike with a Companion, a Sibling. White and Black, Black and White, two, that belong together, like Yin and Yang! Phantoms, that appear from nowhere, that take your Breath away, and then disappear again..this Line leaves its mark on the unsuspecting Spectators" says Dirk.
After numerous Ideas, many Doubts,pulling out hairs, and burning lots of Midnight Oil, the Black Phantom radiates a fascinating Aura.
Dirk Oehlerking has succeeded in building a Bike, that showcases the fact that, even without the use of High-End Technology, it is possible to create something special.
Creativity, Knowledge, Experience and technological Skills plus, last but not least, months of of manual Labour - core Competencies, all equally important, helped to complete the Build.
The Goal was: to build a Bike, without elaborate Frame modifications- no welding, grinding or drilling. The Parts used are mainly from the BMW Part Catalogues (1951-1979), supplemented by a handpicked selection of Aftermarket Parts.
Tha Result: The Black Phantom is a 100% Kingston Custom, a one off - a one Man Show
Screenshot from video THE BLACK PHANTOM - BEHIND THE SCENES by BEN OTT for Kingston Custom / BMW Deutschland / Dirk Oehlerking
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