presents “The Makers” film series, an online film series dedicated to the celebration of craftsmanship in the modern world. Each short film features a different artisan, unveiling the stories behind those makers and what it means to be a craftsman by trade in the world today.The idea was to take a cinematic look into each artisan's personal experience; particularly those which compelled them to practice these age old crafts. Each featured artisan was chosen not only on the quality of their work but the content of their backstories. presents “The Makers” film series, an online film series dedicated to the celebration of craftsmanship in the modern world. Each short film features a different artisan, unveiling the stories behind those makers and what it means to be a craftsman by trade in the world today.The idea was to take a cinematic look into each artisan's personal experience; particularly those which compelled them to practice these age old crafts. Each featured artisan was chosen not only on the quality of their work but the content of their backstories.
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