Triumph Trident by 66 Motorcycles


Triumph Trident by 66Motorcycles

The Triumph Trident was a build which took some time to pull together, however in retrospect it needed this incubation time for the ideas to gel.........

The rear subframe has been extensively modified to lower and flatten the riding position which in stock form is very steep. Now the rear is far more squat and shorter giving the Trident a more relaxed yet commanding riding position.
Originally a low set of clip ons were on the table however the stock bars fell to hand so sweetly they have been been put back into service.
An Antigravity battery provides the current from the new battery tray and  the Motogadget Motoscope gauge takes centre stage on the dash. Triples always sound cool but this one sounds
like a 2.7L 911 on song, so it doesn't get much better.

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