Black Beauty "Cara"


Dressed with her black suit, Cara will not reveal herself at first sight.

Cara is also the name of the supermodel Cara Jocelyn Delevingne, and like the model, the bike also expresses elegance in shapes and colors

This is the latest project by Viba Motor, a design studio that we introduced you to a few years ago.

Their attention as designers has turned to the BMW Nine T, to create a beautiful and elegant motorcycle that hides many details made of new shapes and volumes inside, all enclosed in a total black body kit.

Created for the BMW NineT, this tailored suit is not only here to make it elegant: it is a showcase of production techniques. Each part was analyzed and for this the right method was defined. The bodywork printed in 3D SLS, light and dynamic, with parts printed in 3D structural aluminum, such as the handlebar, nothing has been left to chance. The result was attractive and exclusive; stimulate people's curiosity.

6.5″ LED Headlight. 
LED tail lamp 
LED front & rear turn signals 

Aluminium 3D Printed handlebar integrating the BMW Nine-T Dashboard upgrated with a tailor made gauge bracket and glass.

Aluminium 3D printed headlight support and fork cover with customisable texture

3D printed headlight fairing

3D printed Front fender

3D printed side fairing with integrated LED turn signal

3D printed air intake

Saddle crafted in silicone with customisable texture

Steel 3D printed rear subframe

Steel 3D printed rear side subframe

3D printed tail fairing with integrated LED turn signal

3D printed sit unit down

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