Scrambler GS11


Scrambler 1100GS Satora Design.
Hervé Lurton is not a professional but a passionate with such skill. With 150 hours of work and a few special parts has managed to achieve a beautiful special

"Scrambler on 1100 GS is globally finished. She need about 150 hours of work All the rooms are realized in Epoxy Carbon: inside reservoir, keep muds, head of fork, bottom of saddle. Leather saddle. Everything is made to the workshop: composite, weld, sewing, paint... Impeccable mechanical state. Silencer Supertrapp and custom-made stainless collector. Battery lithium... Lighter of 60 kg, she became great player. The tank is an old "série 7" tank, rebuild inside in carbone epoxy (20 L), with gazoline pump external"

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