The Isle of Man Government today confirmed the cancellation of the 2021 TT Races. The next TT Races will now take place in 2022, from Saturd...Read More
Reviewed by RocketGarage Magazine
5:58:00 PM
Rating: 5
A low and aggressive bobber with a very spartan but at the same time elegant style, stripped of everything that is not essential with the ch...Read More
Indian Scout 'Envy' Build by Built Customs
Reviewed by RocketGarage Magazine
12:03:00 PM
Rating: 5
Uno splendido Kawasaki GPZ 900 16 valvole, rimodernato e rinvigorito, con una classica ricetta restomod, ma quello che colpisce in modo più ...Read More
GPZ 900 Factory Kondo
Reviewed by RocketGarage Magazine
7:17:00 PM
Rating: 5
Andy DiBrino showcases his ability to drift both 2 and 4 wheels in the first video of its kind: HooliGhana! Driving a rear-wheel drive BMW ...Read More
HooliGhana | KTM 790 Duke
Reviewed by RocketGarage Magazine
11:17:00 AM
Rating: 5
A mix of styles for his latest special, Marcus in recent years has already shown us what he is capable of and his creative flair, below you ...Read More
The FC Baja Scrambler
Reviewed by RocketGarage Magazine
3:03:00 PM
Rating: 5
Jérémie Duchampt returns to these pages with his 2nd project (the first being the StreetFighter 1098S GULF ), a motorcycle that is inspired ...Read More
848 SS JC Racing
Reviewed by RocketGarage Magazine
4:06:00 PM
Rating: 5
La NSR 500 è stata la moto da competizione presentata dalla casa giapponese Honda per gareggiare nella Classe 500 del motomondiale; è stata ...Read More
Fireblade NSR900RR Project
Reviewed by RocketGarage Magazine
7:24:00 PM
Rating: 5
Time is relative, so said Einstein, its only value is given by what we do as it passes. Looking at the pictures of this Ducati this morning,...Read More
Ducati 996 ‘Project X’ by VR Customs
Reviewed by RocketGarage Magazine
6:09:00 PM
Rating: 5
That green and sexy monster is called the Ruffian Mustang from builder Chris Ashton. was built as a race car that I could drive to work on F...Read More
Ruffian Mustang
Reviewed by RocketGarage Magazine
4:00:00 PM
Rating: 5
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10 Segreti per Costruire una Special
Molti si chiudono in garage con l'intenzione di creare la loro moto dei sogni, ma spesso errori e poca esperienza portano a un risultato a volte appena sufficiente. Facendo tesoro degli errori che ho commesso in diversi anni dentro il mio garage ecco alcuni suggerimenti per aiutarvi in questo o altri progetti...
Crash | Motivi per cui si cade in moto e come prevenirli
Premesso che chiunque guidi una moto il suo primo e unico pensiero sarà quello di non cadere, perchè cadere è un'evenienza che mettiamo in conto e che assaggiare l'asfalto fa parte del gioco. Alzi la mano chi non è mai caduto...ecco tutti abbiamo lasciato un po di noi sulla strade, perchè andare in moto è pericoloso oltre ad avere un equilibrio precario. Ma per quali motivi si cade ?