Il gioco d'azzardo legalizzato, la disponibilità di alcolici ad ogni ora del giorno e della notte ed una certa scelta in fatto di spettacoli “per adulti” (non la prostituzione che, nella Contea di Clark, è illegale) hanno procurato a Las Vegas il soprannome di “Sin City”, “Città del peccato”, ma l’amministrazione locale e l’ufficio del turismo preferiscono di gran lunga “The Entertainment Capital of the World”.
-The legalized gambling, the availability of alcoholic to every time of the day and the night and a certain choice in fact of shows “for adults” (not the prostitution that, in the County of Clark, it is illegal) you/they have gotten the nickname in Las Vegas of “Since City”, “City of the sin”, but the local administration and the office of the tourism prefer of big long “The Entertainment Capital of the World.”
-The legalized gambling, the availability of alcoholic to every time of the day and the night and a certain choice in fact of shows “for adults” (not the prostitution that, in the County of Clark, it is illegal) you/they have gotten the nickname in Las Vegas of “Since City”, “City of the sin”, but the local administration and the office of the tourism prefer of big long “The Entertainment Capital of the World.”
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