Le gare su strada tanto care agli inglesi , sono fatte per uomini duri che sfidano al morte ogni volta che corrono.
Anche questa volta c'e stato una vittima , Martin Finnegan ha trovato la morte durante la gara delle Supersport 600 nella Tandragee 100 Motorbike Race ,Aveva 29 anni viveva a Dublino, sposato e padre di una bellissima bambina di 3 anni, correva quest’anno con il Team JMF Millsport Yamaha. Aveva partecipato a numerose edizioni del Tourist Trophy dell’isola di Man, correndo anche in sella alla F4 1000R della MV Agusta.
-The competitions on road so expensive to the English, they are done for hard men that challenge every time that you/they race to the death.
Also this time there and is a victim, Martin Finnegan has found the death during the competition of the Supersports 600 in the Tandragee 100 Motorbike Race, it was 29 years old he lived to Dublino, gotten married and father of a child, raced this year with the Team JMF Millsport Yamaha. You/he/she had participated in numerous editions of the Tourist Trophy of the island of Hand also racing in saddle to the F4 1000R of the MV Agusta.
Da Motoblog.it
Anche questa volta c'e stato una vittima , Martin Finnegan ha trovato la morte durante la gara delle Supersport 600 nella Tandragee 100 Motorbike Race ,Aveva 29 anni viveva a Dublino, sposato e padre di una bellissima bambina di 3 anni, correva quest’anno con il Team JMF Millsport Yamaha. Aveva partecipato a numerose edizioni del Tourist Trophy dell’isola di Man, correndo anche in sella alla F4 1000R della MV Agusta.
-The competitions on road so expensive to the English, they are done for hard men that challenge every time that you/they race to the death.
Also this time there and is a victim, Martin Finnegan has found the death during the competition of the Supersports 600 in the Tandragee 100 Motorbike Race, it was 29 years old he lived to Dublino, gotten married and father of a child, raced this year with the Team JMF Millsport Yamaha. You/he/she had participated in numerous editions of the Tourist Trophy of the island of Hand also racing in saddle to the F4 1000R of the MV Agusta.
Da Motoblog.it
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