Pagnol M1 Jacket


Normally motorcycle jackets are very technical and not very comfortable, so it suitable for use everyday.
The M1 Jacket by Pagnol, instead it is designed to be a leader comfort and style

Every function of the jacket has been designed to work with the riding position. We really hated how certain jackets prevented us from moving around or bunched and pinched us in places. This jacket has also been developed to be flexible where it should be and breathable for those hot days and yet, with a slim fit.

We spent as much time developing the jacket on the bike as well as off the bike so that you look and feel comfortable on your morning ride to work and then to the bar afterwards, without looking like a Power Ranger coming off a bike... we knew that great aesthetics don't need to be sacrificed for function.

CONSTRUCTION Pagnol Jackets are made from tough yet supple cow hide leather and constructed to ensure maximum abrasion resistance and durability through everyday riding


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