If you own a jet helmet or full Ruby, it is now collector. The company was placed in receivership. Despite a confidential and high tariffs diffusion is an important actor disappears.
Casque intégral moto Ruby Castel Clap end for helmets (very) high-end Pavilion, Belvedere, Castel and Munich 90. The company Studio Pilot, better known by its trade name "Les Ateliers Ruby", was placed in receivership
He has the luxury market a place in the motorcycle?
Casque intégral moto Ruby Castel Established in January 2007, the company with capital of € 1,730,000 was made conspicuous by the premium positioning or elitist, its helmets to finish, it is true, no criticism. It seems that the sales channel selected in the beginning, very different from the usual models, will not allow Ruby to maintain its sales targets. Despite the opening of a dedicated store, Avenue de la Grande Armée.
One may legitimately wonder the luxury market, economically viable by car, can also easily be transposed to so particular sector like the bike.
We will complete this info in the day. To be continued ...
Ricordo quando anni fà sono stato a cena con l'amministratore della Ruby Helmets e dell storia sulla nascita dell'azienda , fatta di grnadi sogni e grandi speranze . La notizia della liquidazione dell' azienda mi spiace un pò e mi da uno spunto di riflessione , sullme a direzione un pò troppo modaiola e che ha preso il mondo delle cafe racer .
Molti hanno creduto in questo filone e stanno provando a cavalcare l'onda , ma se un azienda che tra le prime ha intrapreso questa strada sta per fallire vuol dire che c'è qualcosa che non funziona e questo forse è il primo segno di un futuro declino , perchè ogni moda è destinata a passare . E quando tutto si sarà calmato resteranno solo i veri appassionati.
I remember years ago when I had dinner with the director of the Ruby Helmets and history of the birth of the company, made of grnadi dreams and high hopes. The news of the liquidation of 'company I regret a little bit and gives me food for thought, sullme a direction a little too trendy and that has taken the world of the cafe racer. Many believed in this line and are trying to ride the wave, but if a company among the top has gone down this road is going to fail it means that there is something that does not work and this is perhaps the first sign of a future decline, because every fashion is destined to pass. And when everything has calmed down only remain true fans
From Lequipement.fr
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