R69S by Ritmo Sereno


Di questa moto avevo solo la prima foto , senza riferimento , ma sono andato a colpo sicuro riconoscendo la fattura dei ragazzi dgli occhi a mandorla di Ritmo Sereno ...hanno lavorato bene dando maggiore stile e vigore a un vecchia moto miscelando gli elementi con maestria !


  1. The blog is really nice, and I enjoy it a lot, but I don't like the music.
    Normally people who is surfing the web is listening his own music, so it is disturbing when your music appears.
    At least the control to turn it off should be at the top in a more accesible place.

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    Maybe I'll do a survey of our readers to know what you think and if it is really annoying.
    Please only sign the next time at least in some way to identify my party.


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